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6 Essential Tips for Successful Stakeholder Engagement and Management in PPC

Updated: Jul 8, 2023

PPC Live UK is about community, diversity and sharing expertise. That is why we are launching our Guest Post of the Month. An opportunity to highlight and share the expertise of community members.

We are very excited about introducing our first Guest Post - Armina Fareed. Last year she gave a very successful talk on the topic of Stakeholder management, a very relevant one in our current volatile environment, where Automation is pushing PPCers to adopt a more consultant role.

She has turned that talk into a very interesting and insightful reading that, very kindly, has shared with our PPC Live UK community. Enjoy the reading!

6 Essential Tips for Successful Stakeholder Engagement and Management in PPC

In 1984, R. Edward Freeman started a movement with his publication Strategic

Management- A Stakeholder Approach. Freeman’s Stakeholder Theory stresses the

interconnected relationships between a business and its customers, suppliers, employees,

investors, communities, and others who have a stake in the organization

“The 21st Century is one of “Managing for Stakeholders.” The task of executives is to create

as much value as possible for stakeholders without resorting to tradeoffs. Great companies

endure because they manage to get stakeholder interests aligned in the same direction.”

— R. Edward Freeman

This movement and many other theories and principles have become the backbone for

successfully managing engagement and expectations of stakeholders.

But with the increase in cross-department collaborations, remote or hybrid work, new skill

sets like digital marketing, growth of agencies, freelancing, and hustle culture, these

theories and principles are seeing new challenges. The attention is shifting from creating

business value to immediate short-term benefits for a few individuals. This new

environment raises complex questions about transparency, interpretation of the

information, and accountability.

The impact of these challenges is that PPC marketers are facing the growing need to create

and articulate shared values, communicate insights that matter, and

continuously examine their respective roles in streamlining expectations.

There are two approaches that PPC marketers can adopt to overcome the

challenges they face with stakeholder management

  1. Developing Competency in the Field: PPC marketers can overcome stakeholder management challenges by cultivating expertise and proficiency in their area of work. Instead of merely relying on crisis management techniques, they should strive to create meaningful engagements and identify new opportunities. This approach will allow them to demonstrate their expertise and foster stakeholder trust.

  2. Implementing Automated Workflows: Another effective strategy for overcoming stakeholder management challenges is introducing automation into their work processes. The use of technology can support strategic engagement methods and ensure the involvement of all relevant parties. This approach can help streamline workflows, increase efficiency, and reduce the potential for errors, thereby enhancing success and building trust with stakeholders.

Why stakeholders are important?

Stakeholders are the heart of any successful PPC campaign! They are our customers, the

reason we run campaigns in the first place, and the driving force behind our business.

Building strong relationships with stakeholders is key to achieving our long-term campaign

goals. Whether a PPC campaign involves a few stakeholders or many, it's important to work

together systematically, meaningfully, and logically to make sure that everything runs

smoothly and successfully.

A strong relationship with stakeholders fosters a more favourable environment for the

campaign, leading to a higher probability of achieving the overarching objective. So, let's

give a big shout-out to our amazing stakeholders! They are what makes all the hard work

worth it.

The 6 tips for Enhancing PPC Marketers' Engagement and Management of Stakeholders

  • Establishing a Process

  • Holding Strategy Sessions

  • Providing Continuous Education

  • Sharing Reports

  • Encouraging Feedback

  • Working With Empathy

Establishing a Process

The first step in effectively engaging and managing stakeholders is to set up a well-defined

process for communication and collaboration. This process should include regular check-ins,

updates, and reviews to ensure that all stakeholders are informed and up-to-date.

To optimize work processes, it is recommended to utilize various project

management and communication tools available in the market, both free and paid. By using

these tools, PPC marketers will experience increased productivity and efficiency.

In the process document, it is crucial to clearly define each step involved and to assign

specific due dates and responsibilities to relevant parties. This approach will help

stakeholders to recall the steps and maintain a shared understanding.

Examples of project management tools include Asana, ClickUp, Trello, Basecamp, Jira, and

Zoho. Communication platforms that enhance stakeholder engagement include Slack, Zoom,

Google Meet, and others.

Holding Strategy Sessions

A comprehensive understanding of stakeholders' goals is crucial for the success of PPC

campaigns. This understanding will allow for proper campaign setup and tracking to

accurately measure conversions.

PPC marketers should adopt a consultant role and utilize their expertise to provide informed

recommendations on the best campaigns to run and the reasoning behind these choices.

In addition, it is vital to discuss and identify the top-level Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

to support data-driven decision-making and evaluate the success of campaigns. It is crucial

to have a clear understanding of the marketing objective, which can vary depending on the

PPC platform used.

For example, on Facebook, the campaign objective is the business goal the advertiser hopes

to achieve through running their ads.

Facebook Campaign Objectives

 Essential Tips for Successful Stakeholder Engagement and Management in PPC

Another example is to Identify the suitable PPC campaign to align with business objectives

on Google Ads.

Google Ads Campaign Types

Google Ads campaign types.

Utilize budget forecasting tools on various channels to project budget and potential


LinkedIn Forecasting

LinkedIn Forecasting

Engage with stakeholders to evaluate available audience targeting options and determine

the appropriate campaign to target different stages of the customer journey

Google Ads Audience Types

Google Ads Audience Types

Providing Continuous Education

PPC marketing is a constantly evolving field, and it is stakeholders must be kept up-

to-date on the latest trends, techniques, and best practices. By providing continuous

education and training to stakeholders, PPC marketers can help them better understand the

campaign and their role in its success.

Sharing Reports

Regular reporting is crucial for PPC marketers to effectively engage and manage

stakeholders. Reports should include data on campaign performance, metrics, and areas for

improvement and should be shared with stakeholders in a clearly and concisely.

Encouraging Feedback

Encouraging stakeholders to provide feedback on the campaign can help PPC marketers

identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to better align with the stakeholders'

goals and objectives. Feedback can also help build trust and foster a collaborative

relationship between PPC marketers and stakeholders.

Working with Empathy

Engaging and managing stakeholders effectively requires empathy and understanding.

Building strong relationships with stakeholders is all about understanding where they're

coming from. By approaching each interaction with empathy and an open mind, PPC

marketers can create a positive and productive environment where everyone feels heard

and valued. By building relationships based on mutual understanding, PPC marketers can

ensure that the campaign succeeds for all involved.


When managing stakeholders, it's essential to have a plan in place. By creating

a process that genuinely involves and benefits everyone, you can overcome any challenges that may arise. And remember, this is a long-term effort! The key to success is having great

communication skills that keep everyone happy, avoid any misunderstandings, and always

stay true to your values and practical considerations.

About the PPC Expert

Armina Fareed is currently employed as a PPC Specialist at Molecular Devices, where she leverages over a decade of experience in digital marketing and marketing analytics to drive results.

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