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PPC Ad Copy Best Practices: Mastering the Art of Persuasion

Blog covers - ppc ad copy best practices

Our comprehensive guide on ad copywriting will delve deep into crafting messages that catch the eye and captivate the mind. This article is designed to be a beacon for both novices and experts in the advertising world, filled with rich examples and detailed explanations.

The Essence of Relevance: Crafting a Resonating Message

Understanding Relevance: Your ad copy must speak directly to your target audience's interests, needs, and challenges. It's about creating a connection that feels personal and relevant.

Example & Explanation: If you're selling eco-friendly water bottles, your ad copy shouldn't just highlight the product; it should resonate with the eco-conscious values of your audience. Instead of "Buy our eco-friendly bottles," use "Join our mission to save the planet, one bottle at a time!" This approach aligns the product with the audience's environmental values, creating a deeper connection.

Tip for Practicing Relevance: Create customer personas representing your target audience. Write specific messages tailored to each persona, addressing their unique perspectives and pain points.

Clarity: Simplicity is Key

  • The Power of Clarity: Your message should be immediately understandable. Avoid ambiguity or complexity that could confuse or dissuade potential customers.

  • Example & Explanation: For a tax software, instead of using technical jargon like, Experience advanced tax computation, use "Tax filing made easy and quick." The latter is straightforward and tells the audience exactly what benefit they can expect.

  • Tip for Achieving Clarity: After writing your copy, ask someone unrelated to your industry to read it. If they can grasp the message quickly, you've achieved clarity.

Crafting Strong Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

The Art of the CTA: A CTA should motivate immediate action. It needs to be clear, urgent, and persuasive, leaving the reader in no doubt about what to do next.

Example & Explanation: For a fitness app offering a free trial, a weak CTA would be "Try our app." A stronger, more compelling CTA would be "Start your free trial today and take the first step to a healthier you!" This CTA is direct and connects the action with a desirable outcome.

Tips for Effective CTAs: Use action words like 'discover', 'experience', 'start', and 'join'. Create a sense of urgency with words like 'now', 'today', 'limited-time offer'.

Writing Ads for Different Funnel Stages

1. Awareness Stage:

Goal: Introduce your brand/product.

Ad Copy: Focus on brand values or unique selling propositions.

 Example: "Discover eco-friendly fashion with [Brand] - where style meets sustainability."

2. Consideration Stage:

 Goal: Engage potential customers.

 Ad Copy: Highlight benefits, features, or solve a problem.

 Example: "Say goodbye to fast fashion. Embrace our durable, eco-friendly apparel."

3. Conversion Stage:

 Goal: Drive action - purchase, sign-up, etc.

 Ad Copy: Strong CTA, offer urgency, or limited-time promotions.

 Example: "Join the green revolution now! 20% off your first sustainable purchase - Shop today!"

The Crucial Role of A/B Testing in Refining Ad Copy

What is A/B Testing? This involves comparing two versions of your ad copy to see which performs better. You can systematically improve your ad's effectiveness by changing one element at a time.

How to Conduct A/B Testing:

  1. Step 1: Identify one element to test, such as the headline, body text, or CTA.

  2. Step 2: Create two versions (A and B) with only that one element being different.

  3. Step 3: Run both versions simultaneously to a similar audience segment.

  4. Step 4: Analyse the results using metrics like click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and engagement rate.

Example: If you're testing the headline of an ad for an online course, Version A could say, "Expand your skills online," and Version B could say, "Boost your career with online courses."

Tips for A/B Testing:

  • Test continuously, as audience preferences can change over time.

  • Ensure a statistically significant sample size for accurate results.

  • Only test one variable at a time to clearly understand what impacts performance.

Effective A/B testing for your ad copy is crucial in refining your advertising strategy. Here's where and how you can implement these tests:

Additional Insights: 

  • Storytelling in Ad Copy: Weave a story or a scenario where customers can see themselves using your product or service. This makes your ad more relatable and memorable.

  • Use of Power Words: Incorporate words like "Discover," "Exclusive," or "Unlock" to make your ad more enticing.

  • Emphasise Social Proof: Mention awards, endorsements, or user testimonials to build trust.

  • Be Creative with Emojis: In platforms where it's appropriate, emojis can add personality and draw attention to your ad.

  • Optimise for SEO:  When relevant, include keywords in your ad copy to improve its visibility in search results.

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Be aware of cultural nuances and sensitivities, primarily if your ads target a global audience.

  • Legality and Compliance: Ensure your ad copy complies with advertising laws and platform guidelines.

Sources for good ad copy

Landing Page

The clien'ts landing page should be the first port of call when coming up with good ad copy for a campaign. You need to ensure there is high relevancy between keywords, ad copy and a landing page for a strong quality score, starting from the landing page to get ad copy inspiration is always a good idea!


Audience research is an important step to know what your customer pain points are and what will attract them in a messaging. So make sure you are looking at wherever they have reviewed your products to know what they want to hear about. Even negative reviews can be used to help fix issues that are most important to customers. Leading you to highlight this fix in ad copy and therefore driving morequality clicks to the site.


Competitor analysis

Competitor insight can also be a great source of showing your customers how you differentiate yourself and what particular feature you offer that they won't be able to get any where else. Position yourself as the go to brand where your competitors are failing in.

Checklist for Crafting Effective Ad Copy

  • Understand your target audience.

  • Align your message with your overall brand voice.

  • Keep the ad copy concise and to the point.

  • Highlight benefits over features.

  • Include a strong, clear CTA.

  • Create a sense of urgency or exclusivity.

  • Ensure consistency with website and social media content.

  • Conduct A/B testing for optimisation.


Ad copywriting is not just about selling a product or service; it's about creating an experience and building a relationship with your audience. Each word you choose should serve a purpose: to inform, persuade, or evoke emotion. In the digital age, where attention spans are short, your ad copy needs to make an instant impact. So, take these tips to heart, apply them with care, and watch as your ad campaigns soar to new heights of success.  

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